a boring person.
b. 1953, author/journalist
Curriculum vitae/resume
Joseph Frank Landsberger

Awards/recognition | Publications/presentations
International education
Extensive visits to fifty countries, as well as their institutions of higher education. Conversant in French; one semester’s study in ten other languages
2000: Sabbatical, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. Research in learner characteristics and attributes; established sabbatical precedent for professional staff
1991: Masters in International Management
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
1983: Certificate - Reflective Leadership Program
Hubert H Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
1981: Masters in Curriculum and Education Systems
School of Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
1968: Bachelor of Arts
Political Science,
Economics, History (International Relations);
College of
Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
March 1- 25, 2016:
Capstone Vietnam
"Education Week"
Voluntary participation
with talks and book signings in four cities: Hanoi,
Danang, Nah Trang, and Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City.
1995 – December 2012: Study Guides and Strategies web site
Research and author of
250+ guides of learning strategies in English for the learner-centric
educational public service. Traffic
and metrics Highly ranked with search engines (Google),
Portals (Merlot), Directories (Open Directory Project), as well
as numerous citations and publications @ccess magazine, the
Scout Report, and Family Fun Magazine. USAToday’s featured site
August 7-13, 2001 and February 2004 as “Best Bet for Educators”
Applied translations in thirty nine languages in conjunction
with a consortium of volunteers, grants, and educational institutions.
Traffic = 12 million visitors in 2012 in 39 languages.
2001 - present: Web Master/Developer/Communications
Integrating communications strategies
combining digital and print publications, toward increasing
visibility/viability of services for non-profits and small business. Past
projects included West 7th Business Association
(Saint Paul),
Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota,
Minnesota State Horticultural Society,
Garden Club of Ramsey
County, Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities,
Out Back Nursery,
West 7th/Fort
Road Federation/District 9 Community Council.
1976 - 2006: University of St. Thomas
2001 – 2006: Web Master/Developer
web master account, coordinated development of academic and administrative
web sites, participated in institutional design team
1999 – 2004: Diversity Study Group/Diversity Planning
to establish a more welcoming environment
for persons of all protected classes.
1976 – 2001 Supervisor, Learning Center
Developed the central computing lab/media resource center for
students of the University. Toward the end, traffic averaged 400,000 entries
with 2 million pages of printout per year. The Center was recognized
as a diverse, welcoming, and efficient student academic media
resource. I developed an extensive software training program for
students, in conjunction with faculty courses or small group
formats including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint,
MS FrontPage; Adobe PageMaker and Photoshop; web site development,
graphics design and scanning. I incubated current University programs
and departments including academic counseling, computing help
desk, and faculty multimedia development. Developed the faculty-mandated
Computer Competency Program in conjunction with UST Libraries
developing curriculum and administering the document processing/file
testing section
Professional contributions:
based upon
an avocation of applying technology to the support of learning
2021 - present: Co-Chair, Station Area Task Force, River Corridor, City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Studying transit alternatives of West Seventh Street/Fort Road from downtown out to Bdote/Fort Snelling, the first transit corridor of the State of Minnesota from the 1830s.
1985 - 2008: The Association for Educational Communications
and Technology
2001-2004: Nominating Committee
1985 – 2000: Twin Cities Chapter-Association for Educational Communications & Technology (TC-AECT) Co-founder and charter member; leadership roles include President, charter member, Communications Chair (developed and maintained the web site).
1995 – 2006; Classrooms of the Future (COTF) Symposia
Founded and developed annual conferences for faculty including
the regional Classrooms of the Future (COTF) Symposia in conjunction
with TC-AECT and the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
(ACTC). In its fourteenth year, annually draws several hundred
faculty and professionals from over 50 regional institutions
of higher education. Featured in Tech Trends (October 2001).
Community-based contributions as a life-long resident of the City of St. Paul
2018 - present: Rebuilt and occupied a home next door to my Victorian residence of 43 years that was in turn restored to its original exterior but modified with four additions.
2020 - present: Aging Gardens Website. A survey and inventory of plant life in my residential properties as a distraction from the time of COVID.
2008 - 2020: Lead organizer for the West End Neighbors Garden and History Tours. Chair, marketing, commercial liaison, editor, historian.
2010- 2014 West 7th Business Association, board member, past president
2005 - 2018: publish digital monthly calendar of events
for neighborhoods along Saint Paul's West 7th Street.
2004 - 2013 Czech and Slovak SOKOL Minnesota
Multiple positions including President 2006 - 10; publications
chair migrating the newsletter to digital format; finance: successful
grant writing over $300,000; fitness: started "Tumbling for
Tots" program; archives: re-organized & digitized, consulted
with and created liaisons with professional organizations, etc.
1980 - 2013: Volunteer, District 9 Council/ West
7th/Fort Road Federation,
City of St. Paul. Board
member, chair, task force chair and various leadership/community
organizational roles; Webmaster.
Community Leader 2001 Award.
Chair, North High Bridge Task Force
developed, and maintain the award-winning North High Bridge
Park sculpture garden and coordinated efforts toward bluff restoration.
Developed gardens and four arts installations in the North High
Bridge Park including the Watcher, Community Gate Project, Peace
Pole, and Giant Green Chair.
Department of Parks and Recreation:
Honored Volunteer 1998 Award;
Honored Volunteer 2007 Award
Founder, West End Arts Council
arts projects focusing on artists’ mutual support, development
of community-based arts projects, outreach and educational activities
in local community centers and K-12 schools.
1989 - present: Twin Cities Friends Meeting, St.
Paul, MN
Various positions on committees of Ministry
and Counsel, Trustees, Clerks of Meeting. As treasurer, designed
the finance package for its 1993 $500,000 construction project.
Current chair of the Building and Grounds Committee.
1982 - 1986: Twin City International Programs, Minneapolis,
Board member, developed the curriculum for the
English Language Program for participants in this international
exchange of professionals in human services.
1979 - present: Upper Town neighborhood
Restoration of an 1870 "stick-style" home often featured on
home and garden tours since 1995.
1968 - 1971: Peace Corps, Soutouboua, Togo, West
Project Coordinator and financial officer
in agrarian project development; taught English as a Second
Language at the middle school level.